BOXPLOT inputVector {inputVector}

Prints a boxplot of the given vectors to the Output Window.

All the vectors in the BOXPLOT argument list are shown at the same scale so they can be visually compared.

If the vectors are unrelated to each other and you don't want them all at the same comparable scale, put them each on separate BOXPLOT commands.

In the line that is printed out, the left hand "+" sign represents the minimum value, the right hand "+" sign represents the maximum value. The left bracket, "[" represents the first quartile, the right bracket, "]" represents the third quartile. The vertical bar, "|" marks the position of the median.

The values for the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum are printed alongside the boxplot.

DATA (95 85 37 89 75 100 96 88 67 100) class1Grades
DATA (89 85 95 99 49 98 95 89 69 85 94) class2Grades
BOXPLOT class1Grades 
BOXPLOT class2Grades

The above program produces the following output:

+-------------------------[-------------|-----]--+ class1Grades: (37.0 71.0 88.5 95.5 100.0)
+----------------------------------[---|-----]---+ class2Grades: (49.0 85.0 89.0 95.0 99.0)

For comparison, here's the same example with the two boxplots as arguments of one BOXPLOT command:

DATA (95 85 37 89 75 100 96 88 67 100) class1Grades
DATA (89 85 95 99 49 98 95 89 69 85 94) class2Grades
BOXPLOT class1Grades class2Grades

Which produced:

+-------------------------[-------------|-----]--+ class1Grades: (37.0 71.0 88.5 95.5 100.0)
         +---------------------------[--|----]--+  class2Grades: (49.0 85.0 89.0 95.0 99.0)