PRODUCT inputVector resultVariable

Multiplies all elements of inputVector together, and puts the result into resultVariable. The input vector is left unchanged.

See examples at right.

If any element of inputVector is a missing value ("." or NaN), the result of the entire command will be NaN. If you want to remove NaNs from your vectors, use the CLEAN command.

COPY (12 8 10 4 6 2) data
PRODUCT data dataProduct
PRINT dataProduct

The above program produces the following output:

dataProduct: 46080.0

You can quickly compute a factorial as this example of the factorial of 10:

PRODUCT 1,10 factorial
PRINT factorial

Here is a more practical example:

'Given the data for the annual change in the NASDAQ index,
'analyze it to estimate the range of gains/losses 
'within 1 standard deviation of the mean if you invested
'$10000 in the index and held it for 10 years.
'Also, calculate the probabilities of having a gain 
'and a loss after 10 years.
'For simplicity, ignore costs, dividends, and inflation.
'Data from:
'Annual fractional price change of Nasdaq 1930--2006:
COPY (0.1018 0.0173 -0.1733 0.0905 0.2214 \
0.2390 0.3313 -0.1099 0.0553 -0.0924 0.0702 \
0.2284 0.1045 0.0138 -0.0248 0.4553 0.1534 \
0.1135 -0.1850 0.4155 0.0693 -0.0147 0.3166 \
-0.1502 0.2044 0.2312 0.1715 -0.0455 0.2659 \
0.2577 -0.0236 -0.0984 0.2736 0.1718 -0.3106 \
-0.3511 0.2976 0.2610 0.0733 0.1231 0.2811 \
0.3388 -0.0321 0.1867 0.1987 -0.1122 0.3115 \
0.0753 -0.0526 0.1541 0.1926 -0.1780 0.5684 \
0.1545 0.1475 -0.0320 0.3992 0.2271 0.2164 \
0.3963 0.8559 -0.3929 -0.2105 -0.3153 0.5001 \
0.0859 0.0137 -0.0188) nasdaqData

NAME 10 numberOfYears
NAME 10000 initialInvestment
NAME 10000 repeatCount
'Add 1 to the gains to get annual gain factors
ADD 1 nasdaqData nasdaqGainFactors
REPEAT repeatCount
   SAMPLE numberOfYears nasdaqGainFactors sampleHistory
   PRODUCT sampleHistory totalGainFactor
   MULTIPLY initialInvestment totalGainFactor totalGain
   SCORE totalGain gains
'Compute median and 1 std dev below median and 1 above:
PERCENTILE gains (15.87 50 84.13) oneStdevRangeOfGains
COUNT gains <initialInvestment howManyLosingPeriods
COUNT gains >initialInvestment howManyGainingPeriods
DIVIDE howManyLosingPeriods repeatCount probabilityOfLoss
DIVIDE howManyGainingPeriods repeatCount probabilityOfGain
PRINT probabilityOfGain probabilityOfLoss
PRINT oneStdevRangeOfGains%8.0F

The above program produces the following output:

probabilityOfGain: 0.9048
probabilityOfLoss: 0.0952
oneStdevRangeOfGains: (12417 24537 45803)